For anybody dealing with hearing loss, the message is simple: Get a hearing aid.
Why? A recent study revealed that individuals who received hearing aids within three years of being diagnosed with hearing loss were less likely to experience dementia, depression, anxiety, and hazardous falls than people who did not receive hearing aids. While these health concerns aren’t proven to be eliminated by hearing aids, fewer health issues have been connected to their use. Results from the study revealed that hearing aid users were 18% less likely to develop dementia, 11% less likely to develop depression or anxiety, and 13% less likely to have a serious fall.
Refrain From Making Excuses
It’s worthwhile to consider that when it comes to your health, these numbers may appear low but they’re still considerable. Prior research has revealed a correlation between hearing loss and other significant health problems, but this study proved it’s an ongoing, declining issue. But many individuals who have hearing loss don’t have it treated or ever use hearing aids. Why not? For many, the lack of insurance coverage is a problem. And the expense might still seem too high even for those who have insurance.
Some individuals actually go in and get fitted but when they bring their hearing aid home, it seems like too much trouble to use them, so they don’t. Most people just turn up the volume to solve the dilemma and don’t consider hearing loss as much of a problem.
Higher volume on the TV won’t solve the problem, however, and while hearing loss might seem to be an inescapable part of getting older, there is much more to it.
Healthy Hearing is Important
Obviously, a principal aspect of communication is the ability to hear. If your inability to communicate causes you to miss a critical instruction by your physician or direction by a family member, that’s an issue. Consequently, communicating your symptoms and concerns will be difficult.
Other problems related to a lack of reliable communication are less obvious. If attempting to have a conversation on the phone leaves you feeling embarrassed and frustrated, you may begin to lose touch with people in your support system. And clearly, your likelihood of developing dementia is higher if your brain doesn’t get enough stimulus which happens when you can’t hear.
The Benefits of Hearing Aids
Severe long-term concerns aren’t all that getting hearing aids is about. Your long term outlook will certainly improve but hearing aids will instantly enhance your quality of life. You will have a more fulfilling social life and feel less isolated if you can hear and engage in conversations. You will reduce your anxiety even further when you are able to precisely communicate your health concerns with your physician and comprehending his guidance for treatment.
Should I get hearing aids? If you are dealing with any of the following symptoms, the answer is yes:
- Asking others to repeat what they said constantly
- Avoiding social interaction for fear you can’t follow conversations
- Turning the volume of the TV way up
- Difficulty hearing the person you are speaking to if there’s background noise
These and potentially other symptoms may be a signal that it’s time to think about getting a hearing aid. Come see us to find out if a hearing aid is the best option for you, particularly if any of these symptoms sound familiar.