Hearing Tips
Can the Things You Do in Your Spare Time Cause Hearing Loss?
What do you do on your day off? It might surprise you to know that your favorite hobby could be damaging your ears.
How Tinnitus Could Change Your View of the World
What is tinnitus and how does it change how you see the world? Find out more about tinnitus and what you can do about it.
Why Hearing Loss Can Wound More Than Your Ears
Hearing loss affects your ears. That’s obvious, but what else is hurt when your hearing starts to fade?
Can You Prolong the Life of Your Hearing Aids With Good Maintenance?
Are you taking good care of your hearing aid? Here’s a great reason to start!
True Story: Hearing Aids Can Help Keep You Young
Worried that hearing aids will make you feel old? Think again, science proves hearing aids do just the opposite.
When to Tell a Loved One It’s Time to Manage Their Hearing Loss?
When is the right time to start talking about hearing loss with someone you love? Get tips on having this very important conversation.
What Will Your Earwax Declare About You?
There is more going on with earwax then you might realize. Learn how to decode what your earwax is trying to tell you.
Hearing Loss Hinders More Than Just Your Hearing
Sure hearing loss concerns the ears but is there more to it? Find out why hearing loss impacts more than just your ears.
Why Those New Hearing Aids are Not a Product But More Like a Service
When a person goes out to purchase hearing aids, they are looking for a product to buy. With that in mind, it is typical for them to only think only about the cost of what they are getting. It’s true that a quality hearing device is costly, but you need to shift your...
Finding the Best Hearing Protection for You
You need hearing protection but what should you buy? Understand the various kinds of hearing protection and how each works.